Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

RAFT Technique..???????

RAFT writing is FUN and an effective technique that inspires students to learn more content material.  RAFT can be used in all subject areas especially health.

RAFT is a system for making sure that students understand their role as a writer, their audience, the format of their work and the expected content.  These key elements are included in every writing assignment.

R:        Role of the writer: who are you?…a doctor, a single parent, a blood cell, a calorie, a famous person, a ripped off consumer?

A:        Audience: to whom is this written? a parent, a child, a famous person, a historical person, teenagers?

F:         Format:  what form will it take?…a letter, a journal, a speech, a memoir?

T:        Topic + Strong verb. Topics will be related to a concept or unit you have learned.  Verbs should plead, convince or clarify.   Example: Write from the perspective of a lung begging a smoker not to smoke.
All  RAFT assignments are written from a viewpoint other than that of a student to an audience other than the teacher in a form other than the standard essay 


R:        Fetus in the womb
A:        10th grade students
F:         Journal entry
T:         Conditions and growth in the third trimester
V:        Explain life in utero

Oh my! It is really getting crowded in here! And this stuff I'm swimming in - amniotic fluid, I think- well, I've just about had it!  Somebody keeps poking at me, jabbing at my arms and bottom. Sometimes I hear a voice saying, "Oh, did you feel that?" I feel like I'm standing on my head all the time in this upside down position; and I'm all folded up - nowhere to put my arms and legs.  Why I'm eight months old in here and already 15"long. Whoops, there goes another poke; I'm poking back this time! I heard the doctor tell my Mommy that my lungs will be developed soon. It's so dark, I can't wait to get out of this place…and meet my Mom and Dad.

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